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Ritttal has released a new Eco-mode for its cooling units it says can disable internal fans when the temperature falls below 10 degrees Kelvin, reducing energy use in the data center.


It said Eco-mode does allow the fan to turn on for 30 seconds every 10 minutes to ensure the accuracy of the sensed temperature, and once above 10 degrees it will turn on permanently.

Eco-mode comes with Rittal’s Top Therm air/water heat exchangers, and its Generation Blue e cooling units also have the use of an energy efficiency EC fan technology which can further reduce costs, according to Rittal.

“Rittal TopTherm fan-and-filter units make use of innovative diagonal fan technology to provide improved performance against increased static pressure difference, which in turn, offers greater energy efficiency and a more constant air throughput, effectively minimising the occurrence of hot spots,” Rittal said.