NG Nam Sin
Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Banking and FinanceNg Nam Sin started his career as a mechanical and electrical engineer in 1986. He joined the
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) in 1988. In 1994, he was posted to the EDB
office in New York, where he was the Regional Director responsible for promoting investments
into Singapore. He moved to the Monetary Authority of Singapore in 1998 where he was in charge of
developing the Singapore financial sector. In 2013, he took on new responsibilities for human
resource, information technology and corporate services. During this time, he was also the
Chairman of the Singapore Clearing House Association (SCHA) up to May 2018. SCHA
oversees electronic payment systems including GIRO, FAST and cheque clearing in
Singapore. Ng Nam Sin was seconded to the Institute of Banking and Finance in June 2018, where he is
currently the Chief Executive Officer. Ng Nam Sin graduated with a degree in engineering at the University of Glasgow, UK in 1985. He attended the Stanford Executive Program in 2008. Ng Nam Sin is married with three
children. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2008.