Who wins the Silicon Pumpkin?
Which Presidential candidate is scariest for tech? The answer may not be a huge surprise…
Which Presidential candidate is scariest for tech? The answer may not be a huge surprise…
The recession stopped the green data center movement in its tracks. Now it’s coming back, older and wiser, and without any new metrics
Lead acid batteries have a bad press. Now they can be recycled safely and cleanly, and bring you revenue
Chasing efficiency can make your facility less reliable, unless you can quickly move down the Universal Learning Curve
Europe can run data centers efficiently with adiabatic cooling
Energy demand is high, and indoor cannabis farms also need cooling. Do we have the expertise to help?
Reducing PUE and running hotter is not enough to ensure greater efficiency. The new ASHRAE 90.4 standard should help to develop best practises that are not over-simplified
We hear data centers in the city of Beijing have to have a PUE of 1.5 or less. How will that work?
Elliptical’s rugged mobile data centers are back from the grave
Modular can mean many different things
Usually re-using waste heat is too much like hard work. But maybe that’s changing
The EPA has new regulations on diesel emissions. They don’t apply to “standby” generators - but what exactly does this mean?
Data centers of all sizes can overheat. Know your cooling capacity if you want to avoid this
At last, high-performance Lithium-ion batteries can beat established flywheel technology to provide the features that a UPS needs
Cloud and colocation providers may need a little encouragement to become greener. That’s where enterprise customers come in
An impressive amount of work is going into the measurement of application performance. However, sometimes this work is not as consistent and holistic as it could be
UPSs with the right topology, communications and software can contribute to a data center’s DCIM strategy
Power grids have become a problematic stumbling block for companies that want to expand their HPC, Big Data, and other compute-intensive programmes
The progression in data centres is a clear example of the unpredictability of the future in technology.
Data center availability standards are built around legacy technology. We need a framework that can include new thinking
Computational fluid dynamics can save money and fine tune data centers - but it’s only as good as the assumptions and data on which it is based
New figures show that US data center energy is not growing as fast as was feared
It’s good accounting, not a giant leap for mankind
Dell’s Triton takes on HP’s Apollo in a cooling technology battle from Mount Olympus