Going beyond energy savings in data centers with LEDs
Light up your data center, efficiently
Light up your data center, efficiently
Micro data centers are an important way to meet distributed data needs
When is a kW not a kW? The answer is ‘when the UPS is kW=kVA rated’
Large data centers need a cooling system which is effective at high power levels
You must know at any given time what energy is being used, where and by which devices
A few releases from the data center industry could be spreading confusion
With its ability to optimize and plan, AI could help data centers to become more efficient
The heat generated by servers is a problem. Unless you can put the servers where heat is required….
The role of UPS systems for total mains failure is well understood - however, UPSs also play an important part in protecting a critical load from all manner of other mains disturbances
Increasing data center efficiency is a complex task. Humans could use a little help
Liquid cooling has come a long way. Data center operators need to get over their fears
If you could power a data center with cyclists, the practicalities could get very strange indeed
Despite infrastructure challenges, India’s data center industry has massive potential, says Sumit Mukhija, in this extract from a DCD Converged interview
There’s nothing for you beyond the firewall
As a new surge of building begins, it’s more important than ever that data centers move to renewable energy sources
Adiabatic systems give the power of evaporative cooling, but use much less water
The biggest lesson from the meltdown at British Airways is this: don’t have a single point of failure
An internal arc fault is rare, but it is the most severe fault that can occur within a switchgear system
The airline could win back some trust if it helped to break the secrecy around IT failures
Our latest on the BA outage is here
There are several ways to remove energy from high performance computing (HPC) installations. Which should you choose?
Data centers are making things better for the rest of us
An essential but complex guide to lightning protection for data centers
Standardized IT pod architectures can offer many advantages to hyperscale and colocation data centers
While politicians do little, the energy industry’s demand side and supply side need to talk. DCD aims to help get the discussion going