Welcome to the world of politics
As an industry watcher, I wish every country could have a technopolitical bust-up as good as the one going on in Germany
As an industry watcher, I wish every country could have a technopolitical bust-up as good as the one going on in Germany
Why modularity will be critical for data centers and the AI economy
Reduce your emissions and water usage
Data center cooling is becoming ever-more challenging, especially for slab floor data centers. However, there are some solutions that can overcome these challenges
Self-regulation to get ahead of regulation
Has Thames Water’s latest announcement on water restrictions sent a chill down the spine of London data center operators?
This is not an option - if you don't act, you will be left behind
Liquid cooling is a more efficient method way of removing heat from IT equipment
Why one size doesn't fit all
Perceptions of limitations in data centers may not be what they first appear, as demand drives new examination
After the heatwave of July 2022 led to unplanned data center downtime and disruption at NHS hospitals across London, is it time to revise data center continuity plans?
Why data center operators must be ready to turn to liquid cooling to stay competitive in the age of generative AI
For the data center market to achieve its projected growth trajectory, it must continue to adopt power-intensive next-generation IT technologies
This is the application immersion cooling and digital boilers have been waiting for
The opportunistic behavior of modern processors means improved cooling can generate measurable performance benefits for IT equipment
No one agrees on the reason for Britain's sudden shortage of tomatoes. But for once, data centers might be the answer
Extreme weather is going to be on the increase .You need to be prepared
Quantifying liquid cooling’s impact on power usage effectiveness (PUE) and energy consumption when introduced to an air-cooled data center
Is it the future of cooling, or just a passing fad?
Breaching the silos between information and infrastructure pays dividends in the modern data center
Renewables, liquid cooling , and multi-cloud will be big this year
Energy alternatives, regulation and efficiency, Vertiv’s top data center trends for 2023
For more than a decade, data centers have been getting warmer - was that a mistake?
The EU has an array of new regulations affecting data centers. Here's a rundown of what you need to know