SDN: a double-edged sword?
Organizations looking to benefit from SDN or NFV must ensure they have full visibility into their virtualised environments to mitigate new security risks
Organizations looking to benefit from SDN or NFV must ensure they have full visibility into their virtualised environments to mitigate new security risks
Singapore will place requirements on critical infrastructure players. That’s an opportunity for the industry to provide managed security services
Looking at similarities between data centers and bee hives
The causes of data center downtime are diverse, but there is an important trend that puts the ultimate responsibility on generators
Despite infrastructure challenges, India’s data center industry has massive potential, says Sumit Mukhija, in this extract from a DCD Converged interview
There is a new threat lurking that is set to put data center security in the spotlight - state-sponsored cyber-attacks
There’s nothing for you beyond the firewall
There are huge opportunities for overseas operators interested in attracting and doing business with the rapidly expanding companies from China
The cloud is great, but can you distribute workloads across multiple services and data centers?
There are simple changes that can help minimize energy needs of your cooling systems
I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords
Cloud giants are adopting renewable power, but smaller companies lack the budget, and some regions lack the infrastructure to do the same. What are their options?
China has the world’s fastest growing data center economy. There are risks there - but the opportunities are great
We hear data centers in the city of Beijing have to have a PUE of 1.5 or less. How will that work?