We talk open hardware, open source software and oxymorons
This week on White Space, we look at the news that the Open Compute Project and the OpenPower Foundation have joined forces to develop a number of servers built around Power silicon but fully compliant with the OCP guidelines.
Participating vendors include (obviously) IBM, Google, Rackspace, Mark III Systems, Penguin Computing and Stack Velocity, among others.
Rackspace has also launched its own OpenStack distribution, which it will use to build private clouds that can be ordered as-a-Service.
Nvidia has revealed what it calls a ‘data center in a box’ - a 3U appliance with eight Tesla GP100 GPUs - that it claims possesses the power of 250 servers, designed specifically for machine learning applications.
We also take a look at Equinix and its new Data Hub designed for edge networks - a contradiction in terms, but making a lot of sense in practice.
Meanwhile Facebook is already expanding its data center in Clonee, Ireland, months before finishing Phase I of the facility. Max thinks the company is beefing up its infrastructure to prepare for the commercial launch of Oculus Rift later this year and the subsequent increase in virtual reality content.