Update: For news on the Friday outage, go here.

UK Internet Service Provider (ISP) Community Fibre has suffered a network outage.

Downdetector notes more than 9,500 reports of network issues for the company as of 12:07 pm GMT.

– Thinkstock / SIphotography

It appears that the issue began just after 11:30 am.

Community Fibre operates a full fiber network and exclusively serves London.

The company has more than 300,000 customers, while its network has reached more than 1.3 million premises.

“We are aware that some of our customers are experiencing network outages this afternoon. Our specialist network delivery team are looking into this with the highest priority, and we expect to see these network issues resolved shortly," said the company in a statement to DCD.

At one point, the Community Fibre's official X page said its account was "temporarily restricted," but this appears to have now been restored to normal.

A Reddit forum has since noted that the main issue is the DNS service. One user said that users can log into the router and set a different DNS such as, which can fix the issue.

Update: 3:09 pm - Community Fibre said it has made progress in getting most of its customers back online.

"We are now seeing lots but not all of the customers that were offline back up and running. We will continue to work hard to restore service to all our customers as soon as possible," said a Community Fibre spokesperson in the company's latest update.

5:30 pm - The company notified DCD to say it had resolved the outage.

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