Seattle-based Sabey Data Center Properties is diversifying its data center offering, bringing up to 500,000 sq ft of secure tech-based office space to market at its million sq ft data center facility in Lower Manhattan.
It has dubbed the combined ‘office space and data center’ offering a “digital factory” as it seeks to market work space property designed for the internet economy.
The 32-story Pearl Street building (near Wall Street) contains a new 40MW data center and the top 15 stories are to be devoted to office space.
Construction will start in summer 2014.
By devoting the entire upper half of a building with 360-degree, panoramic views of Manhattan Island and New York harbour, the data center property company claims it has created the perfect work environment for the digital age, combining desk work with data center racks.
By devoting the entire upper half of a building with 360-degree, panoramic views of Manhattan Island and New York harbour, the data center property company claims it has created the perfect work environment for the digital age, combining desk work with data center racks.
Sabey Data Centers Enterprise president John Sabey, explained the new ‘digital factory’ concept that Sabey is launching.
“Workforces that require an exceptionally high degree of physical protection and operational resiliency will be attracted to [this] office space,” Sabey said.
“Workforces that require an exceptionally high degree of physical protection and operational resiliency will be attracted to [this] office space,” Sabey said.
A typical target market for the digital factory offering will be found among the US defense industry, medical research, bio-tech and health care and financial services sectors, he said.
In addition to offering ‘virtually unlimited connectivity and capacity’ from multiple telecoms carriers, clients can separate their data center needs into a purpose-built data center in the same building.
The building’s lower half will continue to operate as a purpose-built data center for the region.
“The internet economy is writing a whole new set of specifications for office space,” Sabey said.