NTT Communications (NTT Com) says it plans to invest more than US$160 million in two data centers in India, one each in Mumbai and Bangalore through its Netmagic subsidiary. Construction of the two data centers has already begun, and both data centers are expected to be operational by April 2018.
Mumbai and Bangalore
The data center in Mumbai will accommodate 2,750 racks and 22MW power, while the facility in Bangalore will contain 1,500 racks and 15MW of power. When fully built-up, these data centers will add nearly 500,000 sq ft of gross floor space, bringing NTT Com’s total gross footprint to 1,100,000 sq ft on the subcontinent.
The updates about the new data centers came in tandem with news that NTT Com is launching international data network services in India through its affiliate NTT Communications India Network Services (NTTCINS), just months after NTT Com became the first Japanese ICT provider to acquire a virtual network operator - international long distance (VNO-ILD) network license in March.
“India has been a key strategic market for us with the accelerating shift of IT services from traditional enterprise data centers into the cloud-based services,” said NTT Com President and CEO Tetsuya Shoji, who noted that NTT’s business in India has experienced consistent growth of over 35 percent annually.
“There is a continuous demand for a resilient and scalable IT Infrastructure backbone in this digital era. And our Company has a rich history of evolving itself ahead of the curve to meet the dynamic requirements of our clients’ businesses,” said Sharad Sanghi, the MD and CEO of Netmagic.
“Our strategy is to accommodate this demand and ensure that our network service offering and data centers enable our ICT clients with rich IT infrastructure for maximum connectivity and enhanced productivity. With this two new data centers, Netmagic becomes one of the largest data center service providers in India,” he said.