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Australian data center operator NextDC has flicked the switch on its new Canberra data center called C1.

The 6,000 sq m data center, located on a 26,800 sq m site, has about 2,000 sq m of technical space and an IT load of 4MW once fully fitted out.

It is NextDC’s third data center to go live and follows the opening of its Melbourne (M1) data center in July and its Brisbane data center (B1) in October last year.

NextDC CEO Craig Scroggie said the data center is designed to reach a target PUE of 1.4, and uses a range of efficiency ensure including a water-cooled chille3d with variable speed compressors.

It has its own onsite substation and separate power feeds and was constructed in close consultation with intelligence organization ASIO.

In future, it is expected to move over to direct free air cooling for its upper level data halls.

NextDC has been growing out its data center footprint fast in Australia and the company is currently preparing to launch what will be Australia’s first data center property fund, which will be called the Asia Pacific Data Centre Trust.

Scroggie said the move follows the success of a sale and lease back of its B1 facility.

For the year ending June 30, 2012, the company made US$1.2m from its data center business. It was NextDC’s second year of operation. Its investments for the year totalled US$93.1m.