UK company Iceotope, that patented liquid cooling for servers in the data center back in 2009, has released new products to market that use 3M’s Novec, an engineered non-flammable solvent it says makes the cooling process safer.
Liquid cooling of IT equipment has been around for some time and Iceotope first announced its modular liquid cooling invention in 2009.
3M’s Novec is used in a number of heat transfer applications. The environmentally friendly inert chemical coolant is currently used in fire sprinklers for environments containing expensive equipment such as museums, hospitals and banks as it becomes a gas immediately after discharge.
Iceotope said that in the data center, Novec can rapidly convect heat away from electronics, transferring it to a sealed low-pressure gravity fed tube system to provide 24/7 free cooling for ICT at any place and any time.
It can then be repurposed to provide central heating or district heading for other facilities.
“Our system is ‘hot swap’, clean and dry, using our unique Iceotope valve technology,” Iceotope said on its website.
Overall, it claims the solution can reduce cooling costs by 97% and compute power load by 20% by removing the need for air handling and refrigeration, with no chillers or CRAC units required.
Iceotope has worked closely with Leeds University on the technology. Late last year its founder and CTO Peter Hopton, who invented the technology, bought the company with a consortium backed by a seven figure investment sum.
Leeds University senior lecturer and researcher for the institute of thermofluids Jon Summers said liquid cooling can provider more efficiency than air-cooled infrastructure.
“Using air is an easy engineering option, but certainly not efficient,” Summers said.
“The use of liquid encapsulation of the electronics in the Iceotope system offers an elegant engineering solution with a definite efficiency gain.”
Icetope offers a range of solutions using Intel, AMD and other vendors.
Its high-density, 2N cabinets have a list price of £19,995 (US$31,500) which includes hot swap redundant pump/heat exchangers and six Iceotope module centers for housing 48 modules.
The server modules start at a price of £3,995 (US$6,300) for a fully configured server with Two 6 Core Xeon Romley E5 Processors, 64GB RAM and 40Gb Infiniband and high endurance SSD storage.
DatacenterDynamic's FOCUS magazine will contain a special Insert on Cooling in edition 21, out in May. Click here to organize your FOCUS magazine subscription.