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IBM has increased its data center count in South America, opening a new facility in Lima, Peru designed to cater for the country’s increasing demand for cloud and big data services.

The US$8m facility, at the Technology Campus of La Molina, is IBM’s third in the country.

IBM has another data center on the campus and one in the San Isidro district of Lima.

IBM Peru general manager Ricardo Fernández said this new data center is one of Peru’s most scalable, resilient and energy efficient.

“Our extensive experience in data centers offer private and public institutions in Peru new ways to innovate, build smarter systems and gain competitive advantages that contribute to their business growth and sustainability,” Fernández said.

IBM has operated in Peru for 81 years and invested $38m in the country in the last ten years alone.

In South America it has nine service centers and 400 data centers around the world.