Equinix has allocated $4.9 billion in green bonds, making it one of the top ten largest green bond issuers in the United States.

The bonds will fund 172 green building projects on 105 sites, along with 33 energy efficiency projects.

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– Equinix

Equinix began issuing green bonds in 2020, and in 2022, announced it had issued $1.2 billion of green bonds

The company has a Green Finance Framework and has made two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), adding up to 225MW of renewable energy, expected to mitigate 383,300 metric tons of CO2e per year.

One project covered by green bonds is the Equinix Co-Innovation Facility (CIF) in Ashburn, VA, which tests advanced power, cooling, and control methodologies, including direct-to-chip liquid cooling technologies.

The company also used green bonds to fit its MU4 IBX data center in Aschheim, Germany, with hybrid cooling technologies and sustainable energy storage systems.

Katrina Rymill, SVP of corporate finance & sustainability, Equinix, said: “Equinix considers green bonds a valuable tool to raise capital and finance large projects that can increase the sustainability of our business.”

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