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EMC has opened a new research center in Cork, Ireland, that will focus on cloud computing, big data and data center research.
EMC Research Europe, with the University College Cork, University of Limerick and experts at other European universities will collaborate on research into the impact of new technologies and look at innovations and solution development.
The team will be headed by newly appointed CTO Donagh Buckley, of the Centre of Excellence Ireland. Buckley is also the Director of EMC Research Europe.
He said a "virtual research team" will be made up of a number of Europe’s "leading research minds" and businesses and will be based in EMC’s Irish Centre of Excellence.
"In 2008 we announced the development of a Research &Development Centre in Cork. Based on the successes we have achieved with this investment and our partnerships with many local and European universities and industry players. We are in a great position to facilitate a broader research role for EMC in Europe, and help the company to continue delivering innovative and industry-leading information solutions," Buckley said.
EMC researchers are already working out of the University College Cork’s campus with its Constraint Computation Centre on programs joint funded by the Science Foundation Ireland looking at data center optimization, energy management and cloud computing.
Other European research bodies it will work with include the Hasso-Plattner Institut (HPI) in Germany and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.