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PDiscountASP.NET, an innovative windows hosting leader, announces their global expansion into Europe with a new datacenter location in London, UK. Advanced Windows 2008 hosting, Windows 2003 hosting, and SQL hosting are available in the new Europe-based dataccenter.
"We have a large European customer base and we wanted to address their concerns of website latency issues due to data transport over long distances," said Takeshi Eto, VP Marketing at DiscountASP.NET. "Our global expansion is a strategic move for us, and now, with our ASP.NET hosting infrastructure available in the UK, we can better serve our international customers."
For this new location, DiscountASP.NET partnered with Equinix for state-of-the-art datacenter infrastructure services in London. The ASP.NET hosting infrastructure solution is powered by DELL servers, NetApp SAN storage solutions, and VMware virtualization solutions.
"For a seamless experience, customers can select the datacenter location where they desire to host their website as part of our online ordering process and after successful order submission, the website account will be instantly setup. And we did not leave out our existing customers; we have a team ready to assist in data center location migration," added Takeshi Eto. "Our team worked hard for the past year on this project and we are extremely proud to officially announce our European expansion is open for business."