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Dimension Data has launched its 10th cloud data center, a Managed Cloud Platform (MCP), in London.

The company said its London MCP will provide local and international organizations with access to a secure, easy-to-use cloud service with enterprise-class controls to accelerate their cloud strategy.

It said it MCPs offer clients a choice of global cloud data centers in which they can deploy servers and storage.

It claims clients can choose the UK destination, provision and configure virtual local area networks (VLANs) and firewall and report on administration and usage by using a web based user interface or API.

The company claims all of its MCPs provide 99.99% availability Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 24/7 phone support and integrated management capabilities.

It said the new MCP has been built on Cisco, EMC and VMWare architecture to provide multiple layers of security and administrative controls to users.

Other MCP locations include Santa Clara, California, two facilities in Ashburn, Virginia, Amsterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Johannesburg, Tokyo and Hong Kong.

A facility in Sao Paulo is expected to be available in Q2 2014.


You can read more about Dimension Data's approach to the Cloud in FOCUS magazine, Issue 34, out tomorrow. Sign up for our newsletter for more or viist our digital archive, or download FOCUS for the iPad from DCDFocus tomorrow.