Datum Datacentres, based in Farnborough UK, 35 miles west of London, has achieved ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management status for its data center space and supporting services.
The secure, high resilience co-location provider already has ISO 27001:2013 (information security), 50001 (energy) and 9001 (quality) accreditations, along with PCI DSS compliance, EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres and DCA certification as a Class 3 fully operational data centre.
A datum of solace
”ISO accreditations provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that we deliver on our promises, in this case that our environmental impact is being measured and improved as part of the way that we do business.” said managing director Dominic Phillips (center),.
Datum’s FRN1 facility, in the ListX Cody Technology Park in Farnborough, is carrier neutral and has a latency to the City of London of less than one millisecond.
The site was launched in 2012 aiming to provide secure and robust colo for business critical customers. The facility was expanded with a new hall in 2014.