A data center project proposed for Pasewalk, Germany, has fallen through.

As reported by NDR, the applicant behind a €800m ($833.1m) project has withdrawn its application.

Land around the Berlin-Stettin Industral Park – Google Maps

According to the NDR report, contract negotiations with the city of Pasewalk related to the project have been ongoing for around three years, but fell through due to Pasewalk Mayor Danny Rodewald's request that a separate company based in the city should build and operate the data center.

Plans for the project first emerged in May 2023, with the applicant seeking to build a data center on 250,000 sqm (2,690,977 sq ft) of land in the Berlin-Stettin industrial park.

According to NDR, the city hoped to gain €2.6 million ($2.7 million) from the sale of the property alone, while the total investment could reach €800 million ($833.1m).

The proposed data center would have operated on renewable energy and would create around 70 jobs in the area.

Details about the data center project itself are sparse. DCD has contacted the city of Pasewalk for further information about the number of data centers, planned size, and IT capacity.

Pasewalk is in the north of Germany, around 77 miles (124km) north of Berlin. Berlin is a secondary data center market in Germany, with the primary market located in Frankfurt. According to DataCenterMap, Berlin is home to 35 data centers. Operators include PentaInfra, NTT, nLighten, AtlasEdge, and Maincubes, among others.

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