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  • Design & Construction
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Amparo Garcia Puente

Senior Development Manager, CyrusOne

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Amparo Garcia Puente

Senior Development Manager, CyrusOne

In her role as a Senior Development Manager, Amparo Garcia Puente is responsible for managing construction projects with a key emphasis on mission-critical MEP Systems at CyrusOne MAD 1. Amparo joined CyrusOne from JLL in October last year, ahead of the ground breaking ceremony of MAD 1, CyrusOne’s first facility in the Spanish market.

Amparo has over 10-years’ experience in Project Management positions, with her combined skill set, she is uniquely positioned to lead design, construction, project management and commissioning of new developments. This includes negotiating with contractors, stakeholders and adhering to health and safety standards. Additionally, she has the skill set to communicate in a variety languages, both native speaking in French and Spanish, bilingual in English and speaks basic Portuguese.

Amparo is a key driving force to CyrusOne, in ensuring that our supply chain, design, construction and project management is world-class and aligned to a sustainable digital future.

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Santiago Hernández Onís

Country Director Spain, Iron Mountain Data Centers

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Santiago Hernández Onís

Country Director Spain, Iron Mountain Data Centers

Santiago is a passionate technologist and Data Centers enthusiast with a drive to explore the new strategies for digitalization and their environment impact reduction. Pioneer in the implementation of the Business of Neutral Data Centers in Spain and Portugal, back in 2001 and for 16 years he was the Director of the main Data Center company in the Iberian Peninsula, Itconic (former Telvent).

Stoneshield Investment Fund appointed Santiago as CEO in April 2021. In October 2022, Stoneshield reached a sales agreement with Iron Mountain and its Data Centers Division for the acquisition of 100% of XDATA Properties where Santiago serves as Data Center Country Manager .

Santiago is member of The Green Grid and the European Code of Conduit, Promoter of the first TierIV Certification of a Neutral Data Center in Spain carried out by Uptime Institute, as well as the first M&O certification also by Uptime. Last but not least Santiago is a member of the Data Center Association in Spain (SpainDC).

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Hosted welcome lunch - Construction & AI

  • 6th Floor
  • Design & Construction
  • Invite-only Session
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Iker Garcia Oleaga

Iker Garcia Oleaga

Data Center Division Sales Lead, Montajes Delsaz

Henry Daunert

CEO, OnValue Technology

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Henry Daunert

CEO, OnValue Technology

Henry Daunert is a 25 years veteran in the data center business. He is the Chairman of CIRKLA, the industry's first, fully comprehensive marketplace for second-life data center equipment.

Henry pioneered the modular data center concept by founding from scratch in 1999 AST MODULAR, which grew globally establishing manufacturing plants in Barcelona, Shanghai and Miami. AST became a market leader, signing clients such as IBM, HPE, Chevron, Intel, Airbus, etc. AST was successfully sold to Schneider Electric in 2014.

Previously, in 1993 Henry founded a JV with EFI Electronics Inc. and developed the international business for the group in over 50 countries, founding subsidiaries in EMEA, Asia Pacific and LATAM. Henry sold his company successfully back to EFI Electronics in 1997.

Henry is a Business Administration and MBA graduate by ESADE Business School, trained Risk Engineer by Stanford University and counts with wide knowledge in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering and Construction.

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DCD>Talks: Más que CO2 - ¿Qué afecta la huella ambiental de los data centers?, con Henry Daunert | OnValue

  • DCD>Talks Stage
  • Energy & Sustainability
  • Open Session
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El crecimiento exponencial de nuevos centros de datos ha generado una carrera por completarlos en el menor tiempo posible, mientras se mantiene el ritmo de la alta demanda. En este panel exploraremos las innovaciones en la construcción, los nuevos enfoques de diseño, la estandarización y la implementación de soluciones altamente eficientes. Además, abordaremos el papel de la economía circular, sustituyendo materiales tradicionales por opciones más sostenibles, reciclables y eficientes.


Interactive Debate Debrief

Después de escuchar a los expertos en los debates, únete a esta dinámica sesión de networking para continuar la conversación y generar conexiones estratégicas que impulsen tus objetivos empresariales:

  • Interactúa con los ponentes y obtén respuestas a tus preguntas.
  • Conéctate con colegas para analizar los temas clave del debate.
  • Descubre soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para los desafíos planteados.