Investment Forum | Cancún // Previous speakers

Partner, Actis

Fran González Menéndez
Partner, Analysys Mason

Global Cloud Data Center Real Estate Lead, IBM

Rodrigo Folgueras
Vice President Mexico, CBRE

Partner and Chair of the Energy and Infrastructure and the Data Center Groups, Akerman

Fabiola Bordino
Managing Partner, Light Fossil

Chairman, Elea Data Centers

Sales, Finance & Business Development Director, ODATA

Partner e CEO, BTG Pactual & Tecto Data Centers

Arturo Guerrero Gómez
Business Development Director, Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable de Querétaro

Alejandro Rolland Ruiz
Industrial Development Director, Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable de Querétaro

Rafael Garrido
CEO, 247 Twenty Four Seven Data Centers

Vice President, DigitalBridge