Major Panel: Power plays - Can data centers thrive, no matter who's in charge?
As we wrap up DCD>Connect Virginia, let's take a moment to reflect on the future leadership and its potential influence on our industry.
Top-down decisions inevitably create ripple effects across various sectors, but what might the future hold for the US data center industry in the coming years? Will we see notable changes in the States where data centers are clustered? How might leadership, both within and outside the industry, shape the key challenges and opportunities ahead?
Or perhaps we're overestimating the role of external influences. Could industry leaders themselves be the driving force for positive change, guiding the future of the sector? How can leaders within the data center space foster a culture that maximizes innovation, collaboration, and business success?
Join our final panel to explore:
- Commitments: What upcoming trends or promises might help or hinder data center development over the next few years?
- Regulations: How could regulatory decisions—or the absence of them—impact key factors like power supply, environmental considerations, and supply chains?
- Perspectives: Are we underestimating the influence of the industry itself when it comes to shaping its future direction?