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Major Panel: Energy providers vs. data centers - Who holds the power?

For some, the US power grid is becoming increasingly unfit for purpose. Virginian data centers are patiently waiting for power: but how much longer can they be patient? Some are questioning if the status quo of waiting is acceptable, especially when the energy supply is increasingly stagnant and the specter of brownouts gets closer.

It is not uncommon to point the blame at energy providers, with the charge that they are unwilling to promise more power & invest in infrastructure upgrades. But how valid are the concerns that the scale of much-needed investment will expose current network inadequacies to an even greater degree? Could one argue that the shortage is actually because of the rapid rise in the number of data centers?

Either way, time is running out to find a solution and this panel will question if data centers wield enough influence to affect changes in utility practices, or if they must keep waiting. Join us to learn:

  • The blame game: Is it too simplistic to say one side is at fault more than the other?
  • Grid Modernization: To what extent can data centers lead the charge to become more resilient and meet ESG guidelines? Are there new sources of power that are not constrained?
  • Separation anxiety: If data centers have to ‘walk away’ from energy providers, can we expect to one day see them (ironically) provide power back to the grid?
  • Unwilling investors: Is it utilities and transmission that data centers should invest in, not energy providers?