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Major Panel: Weathering the storm - strategies for sustainability amidst increasing extreme weather events

Extreme weather is increasingly the core issue in sustainability, as climate change affects every aspect of our operations.

With the growing demand from AI and cloud computing, data center racks are becoming denser, hotter, and more energy-intensive. In Virginia, data centers are sprawling beyond their original zones, consuming more land and resources. The perfect storm for contributing to severe weather events through emissions.

As regulations tighten, community opposition rises, and intense weather events become more frequent, achieving sustainability targets becomes more challenging. In recent years in Tier 1 markets, even big hyperscalers fell victim to 104 °F temperatures. So if some of the biggest players are struggling, what will happen to smaller players? To create the sustainable data centers of the future, how can data centers and their suppliers, become resilient to increased floods, heatwaves and storms? Join us to explore:

  • Rethinking Responsibility: Embrace sustainability as encompassing biodiversity and securing a social license to operate, not just electricity.
  • Decarbonization Strategies: Can progress be made through radically rethinking Scope emissions?
  • Extreme Weather Preparedness: Are you ready for an extreme weather event impacting your facility or your supply chain?