Data Center Architecture Award
Cat. #1,
Project & Technology Categories
With data center construction booming across the world, architects are raising the stakes and setting a new standard for beautiful data centers.
Our DCD team has scoured the internet for the top 12 data centers that don't just do the job, but look great too! But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it's up to you to choose which data center should take home the top prize at this year's DCD>Global Awards.
2020 Winner Video:
Quality Uptime Services announce the winner of the DCD Data Center Architecture Award
Quality Uptime Services, sponsor of the Data Center Architecture Award presented the award to Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 data center in Mumbai. This unique category is a public vote that recognizes a data center that achieved a new level of design, so it doesn't just do the job, but it looks great as well. Hundreds of votes were cast worldwide to determine the winner of this Award.