At least 18 companies are either in the process of planning data centers or building out their existing data centers within Ireland, reports The Irish Times - along with a warning that Ireland will need more electricity capacity to support them.  

Ireland Cloud
– Thinkstock / cmfotoworks

Cloudy prospects

The list of companies that have been given or are applying for planning permission includes Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Vodafone, eBay, Yahoo, BT, Eir, EMC, and Equinix. Apple has planning permission for an €850m data center on a 500-acre greenfield site in Co Galway.

The Irish Government says the country is popular as a data center hub because of its energy and connectivity infrastructure, low corporate taxes and mild, windy climate.

However, according to an Irish Wind Energy Association research report the country will need an additional 1.136 MW of electrical capacity to meet the estimated demands of the new data centers.