Luxembourg data center provider EBRC announced that the Uptime Institute had awarded its data center a Tier IV certification for a constructed facility. Tier IV is the highest-level rating in 451 Group-owned Uptime's ranking system for data center availability.
The certification of the company's Resilience Center South means it will keep critical systems operational in the event of planned or unplanned site infrastructure outages. Tier IV criteria are founded on the capability to detect and isolate a fault within a facility's critical systems while sustaining the critical load and without any impact to the delivery of power and cooling.
Philip Collerton, EMEA managing director for Uptime, said EBRC was setting a higher standard of service for commercial data centers by building to the Tier IV standard and receiving the certification. “This Tier IV facility certification is emblematic of the increased adoption of Uptime Institute Tiers in the heart of Europe and EBRC's commitment to the design and facility certifications ensures that the data center is consistently and rigorously designed, constructed and tested.”