In 2014, when Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked about his company’s investment in clean energy, he told investors “if you want me to do things only for ROI reasons, you should get out of this stock.” However, Apple may finally start to see returns on its heavy investments into solar and renewable energy.
The company has formed a subsiduary called Apple Energy LLC, which plans to sell excess energy produced at its facilities.
The new subsiduary has requested approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to sell wholesale energy, capacity and “ancillary services” to any company that is not a franchised public utility affiliate from its Oregon, North Carolina, California, Nevada and Arizona data centers, as well as its under-construction new headquarters.
Apple has built numerous solar farms across the US, including the largest end-user solar array and the largest non-utility fuel cell installation in North Carolina, enabling its data centers to run on 100 percent renewable energy in 2013.
Using “conservative assumptions”, the total capacity owned or controlled by Apple in the Salt River Project balancing authority areas (BAA) is approximately 198 MW, while in the NV Energy BAA region it is approximately 168 MW and in the California ISO BAA area it is approximately 218 MW.